Utah Tech University

AmeriCorps Education Awards Program

AmeriCorps Program

Allows thousands of people in the U.S. the opportunity to serve their community and earn an education award. The eligible programs for service are Education, Dental Hygiene, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Radiography, Medical Laboratory Science and Nursing. While completing a term of service members will receive a $3,000 living allowance divided throughout their term. Upon successful completion of a term of service, members are eligible to receive an AmeriCorps Education Award. 300 hour terms of service with a value of $1,565.08 (as of 2024-2025). Students can do up to 4 terms of service through their eligible program.

One Utah Fellowship Service (OUSF)

UHEAN Website

Student Eligibility Requirements

  • Accepted into a qualified program
  • Be a US Citizen, US  National, or Lawful Permanent Resident Alien
  • Complete a Criminal Background Check
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a High School Diploma or GED

Qualified Programs Include:

  • Dental Hygiene
  • Nursing
  • Radiography
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Education
  • America Reads
  • Medical Laboratory Science

Enrollment Steps


Complete the 1-hour New Fellow Orientation and Orientation Quiz

The calendar will show the available virtual orientations, they are mostly hosted from 6-7 pm every other Wednesday. Click the link within the calendar to enroll and a zoom link will be sent to you.


Fellowship Information Form

After you attend and successfully pass the orientation quiz, you will be sent the link to complete the Fellowship Information Form. As part of this form, you will be given instructions on how to schedule your fingerprints for your background check. If you need to reschedule your fingerprints follow the link below.

Schedule your YUP Appointment

Complete the Fellowship Accounts Information

Once you receive your Fellowship Accounts Information via email, complete the following forms:

To Complete in IPT:

  1. New Fellows Application
  2. Enrollment Eligibility Verification – Sign as soon as possible
  3. Member Service Agreement – Cannot be signed until your Campus Coordinator has signed it

To Complete in My AmeriCorps Account: my.americorps.gov

  1. Create your AmeriCorps Profile on My.americorps.gov (Select register to create a new Member/Alum account if this is your first term)
  2. Complete the Enrollment Form located in the left hand column.

Complete your Position Description and set a time to meet with your Campus Coordinator

Contact Information:

AmeriCorps Campus Coordinator
Financial Aid & Scholarship Office – Holland 1st Floor


Set up payroll (Step 3 of your onboarding process)

You will receive emails and a text from Utah State University (USU) with your A-number directing you to a unique link to complete the required Demographic Information and Self-Disclosure Form.


Additional Information for Current AmeriCorps Members

Exit Information

Upon completion of your term of service, ensure all your forms in IPT have been signed by you, site supervisor, and Campus Coordinator. You must be completely exited from your term of service before you can request your Educational Award.

End of Term Survey Form

Monthly Forms

As part of your term of service you will need to complete two forms monthly. For a tutorial on how to complete these forms please see the link below.

Monthly Forms Tutorial

Re-Enrollment Information

For current members wanting to re-enroll in another term of service, first make sure you are completely exited and have received exit confirmation email prior to re-enrolling in another term.

Re-Enrollment Link

Volunteer Mobilization Project

For each 300 hour term of service each member is required to complete a Volunteer Mobilization Project. See more information below.

More Information

Requesting your AmeriCorps Award

After completely exiting and receiving your exit confirmation email from AmeriCorps, you can request your Educational Award at my.americorps.gov.

What can your Educational Award be used towards one of the following:

  • TUITION PAYMENT – If you would like your Educational Award paid directly towards your tuition, or to refund any amount already paid by student or financial aid, make sure you request an Educational Expense. You have up to 7 years to request these funds, however, you must be enrolled at a Title IV institution (an institution that is eligible for Federal Financial Aid) to be eligible for payment. You cannot request an educational award if you are no longer enrolled an any institution.
  • DIRECT LOAN PAYMENT – If you have taken out a loan for school, you can request your funds to be paid directly towards your loan balance. To request a direct loan payment, you must have your lender information, which you can find online at nslds.ed.gov. This payment must go directly to your lender, not your university.


AmeriCorps Campus Coordinator

Email: americorps@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7582

Office: Financial Aid and Scholarship Office - Holland 1st Floor