
1 Year Current Student Scholarship

1 Year Current Student Scholarship Application

Student Information

Mailing Information

Estimated Graduation Date

Additional Questions

I understand that by completing this application, I will be considered for a Scholarship at UT, and that I am not guaranteed a scholarship. I further acknowledge that scholarships are based on meeting the requirements, applying by the posted deadline and on the availability of funds.

I have read the requirements and I certify that the information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by the academic and social standards of UT. A student found guilty of non-disclosure or misrepresentation in completing this application will be subject to disciplinary action and loss of scholarship. Major infractions may result in dismissal from the University.

I hereby authorize the scholarship office to release this application and related documents, to scholarship committees connected to UT; for consideration of additional scholarship opportunities.
